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Yellowstone Wolf: Tracking the Packs logo

Yellowstone Wolf: Tracking the Packs

Yellowstone's wolf packs—Buffalo Fork

This short-lived pack formed mostly by dispersers from the Druid Peak pack. Wolf 105F initiated the pack in early 2002 as the alpha female with 6 other wolves. Two additional collared Druid Peak pack dispersers, 218F and 255F, were with the Buffalo Fork pack briefly, but wolf 218F left and joined the Geode Creek pack in May 2002 and 255F returned to the Druid Peak pack. Alpha female 105F was thought to have localized at a den in 2003 but no pups were ever observed. She was killed by wolves from a neighboring pack in July 2003. After her death there was no way to track the two remaining uncollared wolves and no wolf activity was observed within the Buffalo Fork territory.

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